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Lovecraft Country Episode 9 Still

Source: Eli Joshua Ade / HBO

Lovecraft Country only has one more episode left in its thrilling debut season, and the penultimate episode delivered big while pushing the story further. Like another big HBO show this year, Leti, Tic, Montrose, and the gang find themselves in Tulsa looking for the cure to save Dee’s life but it might come with the highest price yet.

We’re going to keep our recap spoiler-free as possible but do know that the continuation of Diana aka Dee’s ordeal gets some temporary relief, and Hippolyta’s return to her timeline from the multiverse comes right when it was most needed. Tulsa has been mentioned in several instances in Lovecraft Country, cementing the fact that viewers were set to be transported there at some point.

Christina Braithwaite is now another step closer to her goal of immortality and needs Tic’s blood, all of it, in fact, to make good on her dream. Ruby, still ensnared and under the seductive wiles of William/Christina, essentially helps send Tic up the river while still looking out for her half-sister, Leti.

Tic finally learns the truth about his lineage and Uncle George after Montrose Freeman shares the bombshell that he isn’t Tic’s dad after all. Explaining to his son that the bond between George, Tic’s mother, and himself grew stronger after surviving the Tulsa Massacre,  Tic is still processing the grief and anger held over from the abuse he suffered at the hands of Montrose.

The show’s depiction of racial violence and injustice is just as jarring as its ever been, especially so with using the real-life backdrop of the Tulsa Massacre to hammer home the point of the group heading back to get the Book of Names and in turn inadvertently giving Christina one of the final pieces of the puzzle. The tragic reality of Tulsa and Montrose’s pained existence is put on display once again but Tic literally and otherwise saves the day.

Check out the reactions to Lovecraft Country‘s “Rewind 1921” episode below.

Photo: HBO
















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