
Following the senseless murder of Hip-Hop star PnB Rock, many social media detectives got on Twitter and claimed it was a harmless post by his girlfriend, Stephanie Sibounheuang, that tipped off his killer to his location. One person, Cardi B, called C A P on that, and following the release of new developments in the […]


Rachel Dolezal aka Nkechi Amare Diallo operates an OnlyFans page and images of the site made its way to Twitter, sparking reactions.


Nicki Minaj appears to be the target of a pretty nasty trending topic that reads, "It's Giving Coke" and folks are piling on.


DJ Akademiks, one of young leaders of the current Hip-Hop media space, took a swipe at elders in the genre, prompting LL Cool J to respond.


Only thick girls can hit the club with Erica Banks.


NyQuil, the longtime over-the-counter medicine used to treat cold and flu symptoms, was made part of a weird trend involving chicken.


Twitter thinks Kevin Gates is entirely too horny.


Charleston White, a controversial YouTube personality who beefs with Hip-Hop artists, allegedly shiot himself in the leg in a srip club.


Kanye West's famous friends want regular folks to boycott adidas. Twitter users are not on board with that idea.


600 Breezy, a rapper out of Chicago, posted a heartbreaking final message from his girlfriend of two years, Raven Jackson.


Make America Great Again began trending on Labor Day on Twitter, but it mostly saw users dunking on MAGA supporters.