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R. Kelly back in court in fight over child support payments

Source: Chicago Tribune / Getty

R. Kelly was recently released from jail, this after friends and family took care of a past due child support bill. However, an attempt to have his child support payments reduced was unsuccessful despite his lawyer’s claims that Kelly doesn’t have means to pay.

CBS Chicago reports:

Kelly spent three nights in Cook County Jail last week, after failing to comply with a court order to pay more than $161,000 in overdue child support. He was released on Saturday after friends and family paid the money for him, and on Wednesday he sought to have those $21,000 monthly child support payments reduced, because he is not working.

“If you can’t play a show, if you can’t go out on tour, if they’re not streaming your music anymore, obviously you’re going to have financial problems. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out,” attorney Steve Greenberg said.

Kelly’s publicist, Darryll Johnson, said Kelly has no assets to sell, not even his home at Trump Tower, because he rents the condo, and paid rent in advance several years ago. Johnson said he and Kelly’s attorneys are representing him for free.

Wednesday’s hearing on the child support payments was sealed to the public, but Kelly’s attorneys confirmed afterward that there would be no change in those payments, and the next hearing has been scheduled for May 8.

The outlet added in its reporting that Kelly is recording new music.

Photo: Getty

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