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racist syracuse frat still

Source: YouTubbe / Youtube

In the age of Trump, racism and xenophobia have been given a new lease on American life allowing people with contempt in their heart for those who aren’t “Amerikkkan” shed the white hoods and come out the woodworks loud and proud. What’s more disturbing is a lot of these hate-fueled acts have been demonstrated on college campuses across the U.S. with the latest episode coming out of a fraternity in Syracuse University.

According to Raw Story Syracuse has suspended their Theta Tau chapter after a graphic video was leaked that showed fraternity members (who were seemingly white boy wasted) pretending to ejaculate onto a kneeling pledge who was professing his hate of Black people, Latinos, and Jewish people.

After professing the frat’s oath which seems to include “F*ck Black people” and “F*ck sp*cs,” said pledge went on to recite his apparent pledge master’s creed of “I solemnly swear to always have hatred in my heart for n*ggers, sp*cs, and most importantly the f*ckin’ k*kes.”

It should scare everyone that this is the next generation of employees, employers, and possibly Presidential candidates participating in racist and sexist hate acts like this as if it’s okay. We’re pretty sure the Comrade-in-Chief would consider everyone in this video “fine people” though.

Check out the video below and prepare to be disgusted.

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