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Should we support the Democratic party solely because we have a hip, Black President? Are the Teapartyers an option for the Hip Hop generation? Before we answer these questions, we should consider the following…

Do not commit to any side or cause but yourself.

– Robert Greene “The 48 Laws of Power”

Imagine a chessboard, pieces lined up on either side, two ranks of black on one, two ranks of white on the other. Imagine one side being the Democratic Party and the other, the Republicans.

Envision members of those parties being the chess pieces. Then imagine the true forces of power as the chess players whom manipulate these pieces, the forces of power being the unlimited interests competing for access to and control of the limited resources of political authority.

In which category would you rather be, a piece being manipulated on a political chessboard, or a player who makes the game work for his or her own advantage? Chess players can switch sides. A chess piece remains either black or white. Although a piece can rise in rank from pawn to Queen, it will still remain a slave to the chess player.

To truly understand electoral politics is to know that there are no friends or allies, only interests. It is to know that the political process is merely a tool to realize specific socio-economic agendas. While the average citizen may adhere to party affiliation in a religious and dogmatic fashion, true power players switch sides according to what they seek to achieve and which means better serve their objectives.

Get off of the chessboard and become a player. Play the game. Do not let the game be played upon you. The true path to obtaining political dominance is not to empower any one party whether it’s Democratic, Republican or Independent.

The optimal strategy for the Hip-Hop generation is to leverage, consolidate and wield its power at will, to play all sides against each other for the advancement of its individual and collective interests.

The free agent of the swing vote is the most feared political variable in the United States of America. Black people have historically had this power either terrorized or co-opted out of their control. Harness this power and the political system comes down before you on its knees.

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