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Angela Simmons spoke out on Twitter about the rumors and hate that has come against her little brother.

Tweeps were going hard on JoJo after the news of his little brother Diggy being signed to Atlantic Records, saying things ranging from

“he must feel like the rap gene skipped him”, to “must feel like the rest of the Jacksons when Michael went solo.”

To defend her brother, Angela decided to speak out on her UStream channel last night about her brother being a trending topic on Twitter (#jojomustfeellike), and also took the opportunity as fans asked questions to dispel rumors.

When one of her fans asked her the question about who she was dating, Angela responded:

“I just want to take this time to speak to ya’ll for real about the rumors and stuff people are saying about me in the industry. I am single and I think that it is terrible that as a female I can’t hang out with my male friends without it being said that I am dating them. I have friends just like everyone else and I am not dating every guy that you see me hanging out with.”

When asked about how she felt about people laughing at JoJo not being signed but his little brother Diggy getting a deal, Angie said:

“People need to stop trying to create a competition between my siblings. Trust me if one of us make it we are all happy. Haters out there have nothing better to do with their life than talk about someone else’s, instead criticizing our life, why don’t you try to get your own.”

In addition to Angie speaking out for her little bro, Joe Budden had something to the haters out there:

#JoJomustfeellike TT is some bullShyte……. people live 2 be cruel & hurtful, what’s 2 gain from it ?”

So there you have it, #Jojomustfeellike he runs with the mob because it is clear that the Simmons clan sticks together.

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