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It seems Trinidad Jame$ won’t be able to shake off his now infamous rant on the state of New York Rap so easily. First Maino g checked him in a taped phone conversation and now Mysonne has apparently confronted James in person.

Yesterday (December 1) the internets started buzzing about Trinidad getting approached at SoleCon; a sneaker convention for collectors and hype beasts alike. In a photo posted on Instagram by @damayordp, Mysonne is shown talking to Jame$ through what appears to be a door.

The Instagram post reads “Just Peep How Mysonne Is Calm And Collective All I Can Say Is Never Diss New York Rapper You Never Know What May Happen In Any Place At Any Time…!!!”

While Trinidad Jame$ has yet to comment directly on the situation, Mysonne took to Twitter to address the rumors of the face to face encounter: “when the sheep start actin like they lions and wolves , I treat em like they lions and wolves” I’m too Real for these Ni—s”.

For those not in the know Mysonne is truly about that life. At the height of his popularity in 1999 he was convicted on two counts of armed robbery which landed him in jail for several years.

Ironically enough James did flick it up at the same sneaker event with some unidentified New York artists for his Instagram account where he just simply entitled it “Family.”

You can peep the photo and Mysonne’s tweets on the following pages.

Do you think Mysonne did the right thing by confronting the freestyle impaired James? Let us know in the comments section below.

Photos: Twitter, Instagram

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