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In the aftermath of Nevada approving a new method to test men for infectious diseases, a local brothel is prepping to serve up what some are hailing as a proverbial breath of fresh air for the desert whoring circuit.

The Shady Lady Ranch and its owner, Bobbi Davis, are actively promoting the addition of male prostitutes in their sexual wholesale domicile, making them the first to do so in the state funded by carnal desires and humanistic iniquity.

“With so many male revues going on in Vegas, we thought it was time to give this a try,” said Davis to the press.

The move presents itself as a shrewd by design, but in actuality, it is rooted in desperation. A brutal economic climate has wounded a once thriving sex industry.

Men have traditionally been barred from being sex workers due largely to insufficient methods of STD checking. A new health board regulation allows for urethral testing. Female sex workers are carefully monitored via cervical examination.

No licensed prostitute has contracted HIV in Nevada for more than 25 years.

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