
Finally, the web-slinger arrives in Crystal Dynamic's Marvel's Avengers.


Holland may have raised the stakes on the chatter after referring to his Spider-Man co-star after referring to the stunning actress as "My MJ" via a warm birthday wish post.


Finally, the title of Peter Parker's third cinematic adventure in the Marvel Studios Cinematic Universe has been revealed.


You can't please everybody. Do gamers have a legitimate beef with the decision to change Peter Parker's look in Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered for PS5?


Marvel fans and true believers, if you're excited to play Square Enix and Crystal Dynamic's Marvel's Avengers game, this news will get you even more hyped.


Sony took its sweet time, but our patience was definitely rewarded following today's PS5 reveal event.


After months of speculation and teasing from Black Ty, pics have finally leaked of their latest Spider-Man spinoff film, Morbius, and from the looks of it, the character is pretty spot-on.


Early last year comic book fans collectively gasped when it was reported that Sony was pulling Tom Holland’s Spider-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in order to throw him into the Venom-verse they’d successfully established in 2018’s surprise smash, Venom. Luckily for everyone Sony and Marvel came to an undisclosed agreement to keep Spidey in […]


The rise of comics to film adaptations have a gold standard set by way of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but a key figure and fan-favorite hang in the balance. Sony and Disney are currently squaring off over the rights to the Spider-Man franchise, which could see Peter Parker once again outside the MCU loop.


It’s a good year to be Sony and to also own a PlayStation 4.  God of War’s reign at the top as the console’s fastest-selling game was shorter than leprechauns thanks to Spider-Man.


Steve Ditko, the co-creator of beloved Marvel Comics characters Spider-Man and Doctor Strange, has died. Ditko was found unresponsive in his New York apartment late last month with news of his passing just coming to light.


If you haven’t seen Infinity War, look away, right now. It looks like Tom Holland’s Spider-Man will survive the events of Infinity War after all.