
Star Wars takes place in a galaxy far, far away, but it still is trouble by Earth's biggest problem, the treatment of actors of color.


Though it's just a rumor at this point it would be dope to see Glover get into adventures in outer space in what is currently being referred to as the Calrissian Chronicles so long as it doesn't interfere with production on our favorite show, Atlanta. Seriously, we're still waiting on that next season, bro. Wtf?


Solo: A Star Wars Story might have just inspired the next generation of American astronauts or NASA engineers.


Solo: A Star Wars Story might have just inspired the next generation of American astronauts or NASA engineers.


Solo: A Star Wars Story is a capable and entertaining entry to the Star Wars canon. Disney continues to move the franchise forward—ironically with another prequel (see: Rogue One)—via great storytelling.


Solo: A Star Wars Story is weeks away and to get the hype train rolling the promotional goodies are starting come out. There is a buzz around the Han Solo origin film, but there is no denying that a good portion of it has to be for Donald Glover playing a young Lando Calrissian.


We were already sold on Solo: A Star Wars Story because of Donald Glover’s involvement in the film. A new TV spot shining the spotlight on a young Chewbacca has us even more intrigued.


We love the entire Star Wars mythos as much as anyone, but we’ll readily admit to checking for Solo: A Star War Story because of Donald Glover’s involvement.