
Kanye West, aka Ye, was banned from Instagram and Twitter over making what appeared to be antisemitic comments.


Elon Musk has finally agreed to purchase Twitter.


Let me just start by saying—all words are made up. Language wasn’t bestowed on us on holy tablets and delivered by Advanced Placement Moses so that our tongues would know what to do with themselves. Language was developed by people—who made up words. 


Twitter has been giving us all the features except the one we wanted until now.


Twitter Circles, the social media's attempt at a "close friends" feature, is rolling out to all users.


Instagram got caught out here doing too damn much trying to be like TikTok and is now rolling back some controversial updates.


Twitter had a major service outage, and users reacted hilariously to being without their favorite social media platform.


BlackPlanet, the pioneering social media platform created in 1999, has released a documentary exploring its rise and impact on what social media is today. The documentary features interviews with various notable figures in Black culture, media, and technology.


Elon Musk bailing on the $44 billion Twitter acquisition saga has taken an interesting turn.


YES, you can finally remove yourself from that conversation you got caught up in because people don't know how to use Twitter properly.


Again, we want an edit button, but Twitter keeps giving us other features its users are not requesting. The latest new feature being tested by Twitter is called "CoTweets."


Snapchat is putting its money where its mouth is and is looking out for Black content creators.