In a tweet sent out on Friday, veteran actor Samuel L. Jackson blasted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for his opinion that the argument used by conservative Justices to overturn Roe V. Wade could be used to overturn decisions granting the right to same-sex marriage and contraception usage.

Hip Hop News

Kendrick Lamar made an impassioned plea for women's rights at the end of his headlining set at the Glastonbury music festival this past weekend, chanting: "They judge you, they judge Christ. Godspeed for women's rights."

The conservative-dominated Supreme Court is apparently poised to strike down the decision in the 1973 Roe V. Wade case according to a leak of a draft opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito. The opinion claims that “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start” and also claims that abortion-rights groups driven to defend the landmark case were “motivated by a desire to suppress the size of the African American population."


Sen. Tim Scott, the Senate's lone Black Republican Party member, elected not to vote to confirm Justice Brown Jackson, prompting Scott's name to trend on Twitter.


The Fox News host took aim at President Joe Biden by shamelessly asking why didn't he share the LSAT score of U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson.

GALLERY, News, Politics

The Supreme Court of the United States once again ruled affirmative action in college admissions should continue as they always have, striking a second blow to former prospective University of Texas student, Abigail Fisher. The first Fisher v. University of Texas case was remanded, but today’s ruling in Fisher v. University of Texas II upheld the lower […]