
An Austrian rapper remade Hip-Hop songs to promote Neo Nazism and incite violence. 


A group of white students at Baraboo High School in Wisconsin found themselves the target of an investigation after many of them are seen in a photo giving what looks like a Nazi salute. The man who took the photograph claims he instructed the boys to wave goodbye to their parents in the staged photo, […]


A hate monger who beat a Black man at a Neo Nazi gathering in 2017 might have some explaining to do to his future cellmates. He will most likely do hard time for the vile offense.


Neo-Nazis, aka fine people per Donald Trump, will put hands on people of color and women. A bi-racial couple was allegedly attacked by White Supremacists after a rally in Tennessee.


William Henry Fears, 30; Colton Gene Fears, 28; and Tyler Eugene Tenbrink, 28; were charged with attempted homicide following a Richard Spencer talk.

News, Politics

Nazis deserve to get punched. They are not fine people, they are the dregs of society and have no redeeming qualities. 

News, The Struggle Files

If any good came out of the Alt-Right rally that shook up the Charlottesville a few weeks ago it’s that people have made it a point to out any and every one linked to white supremacy. The latest person to have his white hood removed is Oklahoma police chief Bart Alsbrook.


Chris Cantwell became infamous not just because he was one of the organizers of the racist Charlotteville protests, but also due to being a weeping sucka. The simp of a white supremacist turned himself in.