
After a year of all kinds of crimes taking place on the New York City subway system, the MTA is taking new steps to ensure the safety of its passengers and its workers.


On Tuesday (April 26) announced that they'd be creating a "blue ribbon" panel dubbed "Fareness" to look at how they can cut down on fare evasion which according to MTA Chairman Janno Lieber is responsible for a "$500 million shortfall."


According to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, there is a significant rise in the number of graffiti murals appearing on the subway trains in New York City. One example according to their internal data shows a jump when comparing the number of incidents that took place in January of this year to the number that occurred in January 2021.


We're not sure if any of these subway cars will end up being auctioned off, but if they do don't be surprised if someone like Drake ends up constructing a private subway system in Toronto just to be able to call this beauty his own.


Hip-Hop's most loathed troll rode an NYC subway train without a mask and filmed the trip for Instagram. Representatives from the MTA were not pleased when they viewed the footage. This is one of many instances of the troubled rapper's antics flaunting his freedom in the face of the ops.


Over the weekend a video uploaded to social media shocked viewers across the internet as they witnessed a full-grown man try to abduct a teenage girl on the subway train in New York City. Sitting across two sleeping passengers on the 6 train in the Bronx, the man identified at Sonny Alloway was filmed staring […]


A Black New York subway passenger shared details of an alleged vicious attack by a white man last Friday. In her account, the 57-year-old aide says that the man called her “Black b*tch” ahead of stabbing her, the injury which later collapsed her lung.


Bronx rapper Princess Nokia says she is the person who threw hot soup into the face of a white man spewing racist insults on a New York train.


Streetwear staple Supreme came up with the bright idea of flipping branded MetroCards in NYC. They became available on Monday (Feb. 20), and the result was long lines and plenty of struggle.


Stephanie Pazmino is behind bars after stabbing a transgender man in the arm and face on a New York subway car late Monday (Dec. 26) night. The man accused Pazmino of allegedly saying she didn’t want to sit next to a Black person after he offered her a seat.

News, Video

In the wake of the tragic Orlando nightclub shooting and the stoked fears of those who reserve disdain for Muslims, an ugly incident in New York took a turn for the better thanks to MTA train riders. Passengers on the F train defended a pair of Muslim women who were verbally assaulted by a racist […]


A trip on New York’s MTA subway system isn’t complete without a performance from the Showtime car and pole dancers. However, it got a little prickly for one ride after a dancer punched him in the face for not paying the routine any attention.