
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it abundantly clear that he is no fan of the legalization of marijuana, and has issued the first of what may be several salvos regarding his war on weed. In 2013, the administration of President Barack Obama agreed to not interfere with states that have legalized marijuana use but Sessions […]

marijuana, News, Politics

Last November, Alaska was among several states to legalize marijuana for “medicinal” purposes. As the decriminalization movement; Charlo Greene; has since doubled its efforts, Reuters is reporting that smoking, growing and owning small amounts of the green, leafy drug became legal on Tuesday, February 24.


Soon, carrying small amounts of marijuana may lead only to a fine as opposed to a trip to the cell, thanks to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s most significant effort to address the issues raised by Stop-And-Frisk.

News, Politics

Vincent Gray, the current mayor of DC is taking an “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” approach and loosening the crackdown on minor weed charges. The Democrat incumbent signed a marijuana decriminalization bill yesterday, March 31 that still makes it affordable for offenders to visit their local sack man.

The Maryland Senate made a landmark move Saturday, voting to allow patients to use medical marijuana by a landslide 35-12 margin. With the passing of the new bill, patients in need of marijuana for chronic pain or other issues will be allowed to pick it up at state dispensaries. Lawmakers were said to have voted […]