
Wednesday (Jul.16) the Twitter accounts of many high-profile users of the social media platform, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Apple, knucklehead Kanye West, his wife Kim Kardashian, Tesla chief Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos and more were used in a crypto-currency scheme.


Hackers are still at it, and now Nintendo has confirmed that 160,000 accounts have been hacked. As a result of the intrusions, the company has decided to disable the ability to log into a Nintendo Account through a Nintendo Network ID (NNID). 


Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have discovered a new way hackers can gain access to sensitive information stored in your phone just using ultrasonic waves and your phone's voice assistant.


Another day, another data breach. Equifax is currently out here giving people affected by its massive data breach $125 as part of its recently announced settlement. Now, Captial One is the latest company to have its customers private information exposed.


What seemed like just harmless fun might actually be a huge security risk. Over the past two days, Twitter and Instagram timelines looked like a “retirement home” thanks to FaceApp, which takes a photo and ages it using its impressive face altering technology. After it was learned that app is Russia-based, Democratic Senator, Chuck Schumer […]


Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, the group published top-secret files from various governments, has been arrested. The 47-year-old Assange was detained Thursday (April 11) in London on hacking charges and after his arrest, the United States is seeking extradition.


When you opened your Timehop app today to travel back in time and see photos you shared, tweets you posted on this day, you might have noticed you were logged out. You might have been worried about losing your streak, but there was something far worse that could have been compromised. It turns out the […]


The FBI is under intense scrutiny by President Donald Trump, but the organization is still on the job when it comes to shutting down Russian hacking groups from threatening the world.


With all the talk that Team Putin has infiltrated everything from Facebook to the White House, consumers have grown wary of anything Russia related including computer software.