
"Hick Hop" artist (yes, that's really a thing) Kid Rock will be the featured entertainment at an upcoming rally on Monday (Sept.14).


The Republican National Convention was on a whole different wavelength than last week's virtual Democratic National Convention.


The hosts of daytime talk show The View are known to go head to head with each other, but when it came time to interview Donald Trump Jr., the ladies put aside their differences for the common good.


Donald Trump Jr. is a Kanye West fan. Twitter does not see this as a net positive, unless you’re part of the MAGA set.


The POTUS might want to reconsider his position on “bad hombres.” His former daughter in law’s high school sweetheart was a proud member of a street gang.


Being Team Trump clearly involves you in elite levels of douchebaggery. Struggle crooner Aubrey O’Day is allegedly telling friends that she slept with Donald Trump Jr. 


Just when you thought the Trump family couldn’t possibly have anymore skeletons in their closets, it’s being reported that Donald Trump Jr. allegedly had an affair with Dumblonde representative, Aubrey O’Day, while he was married.