
In a recent legal filing, Cuomo singled out his one-time close friend Don Lemon by saying the network didn't discipline the host for his alleged transgressions while on the job.


The CNN host framed Trump's return to 1600 Pennsylvania after a brush with COVID-19 as a propaganda move


Continuing to take Trump to task for his lack of professionalism and overall humanism, Cuomo rammed home the point that Donnie's idiocy is more proof that Americans need to listen to world-renown immunologist, Anthony Fauci instead of Mr. Lysol pusher.


CNN host Chris Cuomo has been praised as a typically level-headed television personality who doesn’t take sides and fairly assesses the situation on both sides by way of his program. However, all bets were off when a man used a term that is apparently offensive to Italians, prompting Cuomo to offer the gentleman the Queens […]