
Kimberly Elise sparked outrage after sharing a post her on Instagram account supporting the Supreme Court's decision on abortion.


Travis Scott‘s opinion on issues of race have been questionable over the years. But, where women’s rights are concerned, the rapper seems to be placing himself on the right side of an issue that’s upending the country: anti-abortion legislation.


Stacey Dash dove into the shallow end of the conservative pool years ago, and the actress has yet again captured a gigantic L for sticking to her right-wing guns. A film which tackles the controversial Roe V. Wade decision of 1973 lost its entire crew and funding, with Dash playing a true-to-form pro-life character in […]

News, Politics, Video

GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson has made several questionable statements in his rise to political prominence, towing a strong Conservative line boosted by his Christian faith. The renowned neurosurgeon’s latest statements took an even harder turn, this after he essentially compared women who have abortions after rape to slave owners.


Anti-abortion billboards posted in the Atlanta area are sparking controversy. The billboards show a black and white picture of a Black child with the headline, “Black Children Are An Endangered Species.” The billboards are courtesy of anti-abortion group Georgia Right To Life and the Radiance Foundation both of which are in connection with […]