News, The Struggle Files, Video

Another day, another struggle-laced failed attempt at breaking the law, and this one is more embarrassing than usual. A Brooklyn man made the mistake of underestimating the workers at a local 7-Eleven store when he tried to jack them for their goods.


George Zimmerman’s lawyer wants the public to know that when it comes to race, it was not a factor in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Mike O’Mara has tried his hardest to make it clear that, despite public opinion, his client did not shoot and kill the unarmed teen based on the color of his […]


More evidence compiled following the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has been made public. Surveillance footage, taken just before his fatal encounter with George Zimmerman, show the teen purchasing ice tea and a bag of Skittles from a local 7-Eleven.