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2021 U.S. Gymnastics Championships - Day 4

Source: Jamie Squire / Getty

It’s way past time to add Simone Biles to the Sports Mount Rushmore, which already includes Tom Brady, Michael Phelps, Serena Williams, and Michael Jordan or Lebron James (choose one).

The four-time Olympic champion has collected another gymnastic Infinity Stone claiming her 7th straight U.S. national title, the most of any American woman. The 24-year-old won with a two-day score of 119.650 score, claiming titles on the all-around, balance beam, vault, and floor exercise event. She scored nearly five more points than the runner-up Sunisa Lee. 

“I feel like I did try to enjoy it because it could be one of my last championships that I’ll attend,” Biles told “But it’s also the road to Tokyo, and after this we have trials, so we just have to really embrace the moment.”

Biles’ domination in the sport, which dates back to 2013 as a 16-year-old, is historic. She’s the most decorated American woman gymnast ever with 30 Olympic and World Championship medals in addition to her 7 national titles.

For context, the most national titles any female gymnast held before Biles was Kim Zmeskal with 3 in the early 1990s. With the lead-up to the Tokyo Olympics coming in a few weeks the U.S. gymnastics team is in good hands with Biles in tow. They are entering the games as favorites to win their third straight gold.  

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