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Wealth doesn’t provide happiness and this has been proven once again by one of Rap’s biggest talents. Big Sean says he was going through it at the height of his career.

As spotted on HipHopDX, the Detroit MC is bearing his soul like never before. Via a recent interview with Facebook Watch, he detailed how he struggled with mental health issues. Things apparently got so bad he considered killing himself. “I for sure contemplated suicide a lot of times, having guns in my hand, feeling it for real … planning it out to the point where I said, ‘Hey, if I do kill myself, at least my family will get this amount of money. I did this already,’” he revealed. “Because I was just stressed out and not happy. I realized that OK, I need to stop everything I’m doing and figure this out or I’m going to self-destruct.”

He stated that he put a lot of pressure on himself to not only provide for his family but also his friends and support staff. This weight on his shoulders would play a major part in him feeling down. “Those are the stigmas that have been placed on us growing up,” Sean said. “If you a man and you not working hard, it’s like, ‘Ah you getting soft.’ So that was always in the back of my head, so I’m working exhausting myself for years and years and years. I couldn’t get through the day without feeling terrible.”

He would go on to explain how he helped himself and avoided self-destruction.

“I took the time off, canceled everything I was doing, sought therapy, connected with God more, spiritually grounded myself, and put myself first as a priority for the first time ever” he explained to Dr. Michael Eric Dyson.

You can see the clip below.

Photo: Getty

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