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London Celebrity Sightings - October 10, 2020

Source: Neil Mockford / Getty

Well, it seems like “presidential candidate” Kanye West got some skin as thin as the orange peel on the current “commander-in-chief” residing in the White House.

For their latest episode, Saturday Night Live had Issa Rae as their host and during one of the sketches, dubbed “Your Voice Chicago,” she played an NAACP lawyer who was set to vote Black down the ballot with the exception of one Kanye West to whom she said “Kanye? F-him.” Seemed innocent and funny enough, but it rubbed Yeezus the wrong way.

While many in the culture feel the same exact way about the MAGA rapper who’s running election interference on behalf of Republicans, Kanye took issue with the sketch and took to Twitter to air out his grievances a la Trump. Accusing Saturday Night Live of using Black people to hold other Black people back (really?), the “Black Skinhead” rapper was obviously bothered by Issa Rae’s jab at him and says he’s “praying for her and her family.”

This the same man who said slavery was a “choice” and that putting on Trump’s MAGA hat made him feel like Superman. But yeah, somehow SNL’s out here using Black people to hold back other Black people.

Luckily, he has Dave Chappelle advising him on life as Kanye revealed the two have been keeping in touch, but we just hope the “modern-day Socrates” is able to get through to Yeezy and convince him to get the heck out of this Presidential race that he has no chance of winning and get the mental help he obviously needs.

Photo: Getty

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