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Osama Bin Laden’s Black Mistress Speaks Out

Osama Bin Laden’s Black mistress is making headlines after she says she’s been shunned and called a liar for years.

Kola Boof first made headlines years ago when London’s The Guardian broke the story that the poet/television writer and activist was the terrorist leader’s mistress.

After being put through the wringer by the press including Connie Chung who she says openly questioned why a man of Bin Laden’s wealth and stature have a black mistress, she released a book titled “Diary of a Lost Girl: The Autobiography of Kola Boof” and spoke on their relationship in detail.

Boof says however the hard facts of her story were ignored and instead trivial facts were enjoyed including Bin Laden’s love for Whitney Houston and penchant for marijuana.

Now with the man she affectionately called “Somi” dead, Boof is speaking out to clear her name.

She recently released a statement to a number of press organizations including The Daily Voice who published her words in full.

In the statement she calls Osama a “monster, a genius, a poet, a racist woman-basher and a very passionate, deeply sensitive confused being” but adds for emphasis, “Like all of us, he was somebody’s child.”

According to Kola they fell in love under nontraditional circumstances—after he raped her the first time they met.

Boof says however that she learned to love him “survive” and they soon became close with her doing his hair and going on lavish shopping sprees to Milan on his dime.

“Osama raped me the first night we met. But out of my fear and determination to survive we became comrades; lovers; we wrote poetry together, I did his hair, I cooked for him, he gave me jewels and money; sent me to Milan on shopping sprees; buried one of his guards that I killed and made it so I only did one night in jail. Living at La Maison Arabe was hardly the life of a slave–I wasn’t in chains, honey.

I supervised Osama’s men despite not being allowed to leave Osama. And let’s not forget that half the wives of Arab rich men live that exact same way–many are married against their will, fathers give away daughters, women are snatched off the streets. Women had no rights in the Arab Muslim world when I was there modeling, acting and “hostessing.”

According to Kola she was torn down because she was a Black woman of Egyptian/Sudanese descent and not what “white powerful news controllers” wanted to promote. She adds that one of Osama’s wives Najwa Bin Laden referred to her as his “n*gger slave Slore” a term she obviously didn’t appreciate from the “pitiful head covered door mat jockey.”

It hurts to have so much valuable information; so much intelligence and to be so truthful and articulate–yet have “white powerful news controllers” decide that you’re not the right image for what they’d like to promote. Therefore, part of history is always missing.

Osama’s wife, Najwa Bin Laden, who wrote so snidely about me in her memoir a few years ago is now forced, at last, to recognize me. I’m sure she’d rather have me killed than see me collect money from her husband.

According to her I was Somi’s “abeed lan sharmuta” (n*gger slave Slore). But that’s alright. I’m the one he kept for pleasure and not mere Islamic duty–as she well knows and sleeps alone with–and always slept alone with. Pitiful head covered door mat jockey.

Kola adds that she could have been an asset to the U.S. in finding the terrorist leader if they’d listen to her. Instead she blames journalist like Peter Bergen who ignored her story about “Somi” and denied her truth.

“The rank ignorant pettiness (well Kola’s not pretty enough!) and the treatment my story and my personhood have received shows you exactly why the Americans couldn’t find Osama for more than a decade.

It shows you why Peter Bergen in all his almighty “million dollar advance” rhetoric could never locate Osama but had to degrade and slander me to protect the credibility of his own toilet-read tomes. And it shows most of all–that you can’t keep a good woman down. I was not the one who revealed that I’d been with Somi.

The London Guardian newspaper started it all; I originally denied the story out of embarrassment and then the U.S. Homeland Security (more like “Gangland Security”) forced me to admit to it. From then on, I was trapped in a maze of defending my reputation and my personhood. And so the tragedy of my life is that I have told nothing but truth…yet the truth did not set me free.”


For Kola’s full statement click here.

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