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Kanye West must really be on the same ish as Donald Trump because he’s doing the utter most these days.

After waging war on Joe Biden, Drake, J. Cole, and on overall reality, Kanye West, aka Yeezy, has set his sights on the music industry. After posting over a hundred pages of his record contract on his Twitter account and calling the music industry “modern day slavery” (wouldn’t that be a choice, Ye?), Kanye took things up a notch by taking one of his many Grammy awards and filming himself urinating on it to express his current disdain for the industry that made him a household name.

Kanye who began referring to himself as the “New Moses” then decided he’d go by a new moniker and from the sounds of it, well, he’s definitely coming off as a Trump comrade.

Baby Putin? Really, Ye? Could Russia be bankrolling Kanye’s presidential spoiler bid on the low? Maybe this is Kanye West’s way of telling us the Trump “pee tape” is real?

We’re not sure when or how this is all going to end but when it does (and it will), we hope Kanye gets some help because the man isn’t only off his meds, he seems to be off his rocker. Kinda like his favorite President.

At least Don Cheadle is trying to be a voice of reason.

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