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Source: NBC / Getty

Last week fans of the classic PBS show Sesame Street were heartbroken to learn that Sesame Street puppeteer Caroll Spinney had passed away at the age of 85, and though he may not be with us people like Jimmy Fallon and Black Thought will make sure his legacy lives on.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the longest running children’s show in television history, the Tonight Show host and Illadelphia MC got on a school bus with Big Bird, the Count, Bert and Ernie, and others to bust out a Sesame Street rap over the classic theme song.

Naturally Black Thought didn’t go into “beast mode” as children aren’t mentally prepared for the gems and jewels he’s used to dropping in his raps but he did have fun on the bus with his verse.

“To get to Sesame Street you don’t need a GPS/ You can watch on HBO or check it out on PBS/ I can tell you how to get there with some help from my friends/ Then you’ll never have to ask yourself that question again.”

With Jimmy Fallon and the Sesame Street characters interjecting their own bars into Thought’s raps, it was a pretty fun clip to watch if you’re a fan of Hip-Hop and puppets.

Check out the Sesame Street Rap segment below and let us know if you or your kids will be following Sesame Street when they relocate to HBO Max next year.

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