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Henry Thomas In 'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial'

Source: Archive Photos / Getty

Thanksgiving marks the season of giving and NBC gave film lovers something special this week. The network presented a mini-sequel to one of the most loved films in history.

As spotted on Indie Wire , Comcast Xfinity curated a rather once in a lifetime commercial by reuniting the cast of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial. Actor Henry Thomas reprises his original role as Elliot. When E.T. returns he is shocked by how vastly technology has changed since his last tour of earth.

Naturally, Elliot shows his intergalactic friend through the wonder that is the internet and online streaming. The advertisement is slyly disguised under spliced in clips of heartwarming moments of the family entertaining the foreign being on a snowy day.

Comcast detailed the thought behind the campaign in a formal statement. “Our goal is to show how Xfinity and Sky technology connects family, friends and loved ones, which is so important during the holidays. The classic friendship between E.T. and Elliott resonates around the world, and their story became a very meaningful way to bring our company’s consumer technology to life.”

You can see the commercial below.

Photo: Getty

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