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iOS apps records screens during use

Source: Chesnot / Getty

As if we need another reason not to trust using our iPhones. Reports from TechCrunch and The App Analyst detail how certain iOS apps are recording your screen while you use them.

Typically when an app tells you that it’s collecting data for technical support or analytics, we think it’s no big deal. According to the eye-opening report the apps belonging to Air Canada, Abercrombie & Fitch, Expedia,, and others used analytics software from a company called Glassbox that utilizes “session replay” tech that unknowingly records screens showing them exactly how the app is being used by users.

Every button push, every piece of information that is entered by the user is recorded by the software and yes even sensitive information like your credit card numbers. There are features to prevent that critical info from showing but the scary part is that the function did not block out all of that info.

If you still find this hard to believe, The App Analyst used a man-in-the-middle software to intercept the data going to Glassbox servers and recorded it while using Air Canada’s app displaying how easily your user passwords and credit card info is collected and recorded.

The practice isn’t only exclusive to iOS apps. Gizmodo reported that some Android apps also have screen recording software embed built-in as well. The company behind this case, Appsee boasts its screen capturing capabilities to software developers. While the companies seem to be on top of what is being recorded this is definitely worrisome behavior with the rash of huge date leaks happening as of late.

If you have second thoughts now when opening up your favorite app, it’s totally understandable.

Photo: Chesnot / Getty

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