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Comedian Dave Chappelle, left, stumps with childhood friend and former NAACP president Ben Jealous, right, at an early voting rally at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland...

Source: The Washington Post / Getty

Dave Chappelle returned to his Washington, D.C. area roots to campaign on behalf of gubernatorial hopeful and Democratic Party member, Ben Jealous. Chappelle was in Prince George’s County, Md. in support of the former NAACP president, stating that his celebrity status shouldn’t be tied to his support of Jealous.

TMZ reports:

We got the comedian out Sunday in Forestville, MD, where he was making calls on behalf of Jealous, who’s running for Governor against Republican incumbent Larry Hogan.

Dave tells us he doesn’t consider what he’s doing to be a “celebrity endorsement,” as he’s known Ben his whole life and truly believes he’s qualified for the job. He says rather than tell people how to vote, he’s simply making them aware of Ben’s campaign.

While Dave might not necessarily consider this a political statement, it definitely is … and his on-the-ground involvement is just the latest sign that Hollywood’s taking the midterm elections seriously, especially when it comes to Democratic candidates.

Watch video of Dave Chappelle hitting the phone bank for Ben Jealous and more below.

Photo: Getty

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