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Megyn Kelly TODAY - Season 2

Source: NBC / Getty

Megyn Kelly left Fox News for a high-paying gig with rival NBC News, a move that still has some wondering why she left the conservative and cushy job. Kelly reminded many folks that if she ever leaves NBC that Fox will be waiting for her after claiming she doesn’t understand why Blackface is racist.

The Hill reports:

“But what is racist?” Kelly said Tuesday morning. “You truly do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface at Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween.”

“Back when I was a kid, that was OK, as long as you were dressing up as like a character,” Kelly continued.

Kelly then referenced TV personality Luann de Lesseps’s decision to dress as Diana Ross with what appeared to be darker makeup during a premiere of “The Real Housewives of New York” earlier this year.

De Lesseps immediately drew criticism for the look, which many perceived to be blackface, and issued an apology.

Listen here, Megyn Kelly, and any other white person thinking that Blackface isn’t racist, just don’t do it. Black people have responded repeatedly that you can dress like a person of color WITHOUT darkening your skin. The racist past of the practice is reason alone to stop doing it, and best believe we’ll keep reminding you that it’s wrong.

Watch the clip of Kelly acting like she doesn’t have a law degree and good sense below.

Megyn Kelly Asks If Blackface Is Racist, Twitter Gathers The Bumbling Bigoted Becky
Megyn Kelly TODAY - Season 2
17 photos

Photo: Getty

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