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Regina King and Thandie Newton Win at Emmy Awards 2018

Source: Michael Tran / Getty

Congrats are in order for Regina King and Thandie Newton, as they both took home Emmys last night. King, for her role in Netflix’s Seven Seconds and Newton, for her part in Westworld.

In addition to winning big at the annual award show, both actresses had unforgettable speeches. After it was announced that King won the award for lead actress in a limited series, she walked onto the stage and asked the audience, “Really? Say word…” After thanking the television academy, a shocked King then hilariously said to the crowd “I wanna curse right now. This is good.” You got to love her for not code-switching.

Thandie Newton, on the other hand, actually did curse…and more. “I don’t even believe in God, but I’m going to thank her tonight,” the actress said while accepting her award for outstanding supporting actress in a drama series. “I am so fu**ing blessed to work with the people I have gotten to work with.”

Watch their speeches below.

Photo: Getty

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