Power Season 5, Episode 8 "A Friend of The Family

Source: Power / Starz

The AUSA’s continue to look for ways to build their case against Ghost, Angela, and everyone involved. With Silver in the wind and Teresi’s tepid witness testimony, the crew decide to subpoena Keisha and anyone else close to Ghost and his family. They also want to squeeze Proctor for better information on his clients. Mak and Saxe attempt to press Proctor about the Marshall Williams murder and every other murder tied to Ghost and Tommy. Their abundant speculation about Proctor’s connection is enough to convince the newly reinstated lawyer to find out whatever he needs to satisfy their thirst for “justice”, or else he’d be in their crosshairs.

Proctor meets with Ghost to get clarity on the Marshall Williams murder. Ghost gives Proctor noncommittal responses and assures Proctor that he’s good. He also gives a “hypothetical” scenario for how much trouble could someone face if they admit to a crime he (they) didn’t commit. Proctor says they won’t stop at just the person and the whole family is vulnerable. Ghost gives Proctor nothing more than surface level information. Maybe his trust has changed?

Proctor meets with Cousin Benny to retrieve his laptop with the incriminating recordings about Ghost and Tommy’s operation. This insurance policy is Proctor’s last ace in the hole, but he doesn’t know whose side he should choose. The Feds would love to bag everyone for these crimes, while Ghost has been professionally loyal to Proctor only after using blackmail to secure his services. Benny assures Joe he’ll make the right decision, and Proctor decides to identify Angela Valdez to the District Attorney’s office as the person to watch if anything criminal is occurring. Mak may be conflicted, as Angela still has his golden ticket to D.C. and out of the office. Who does he choose?

Keisha meanwhile, finally meets the Teresi’s. Connie schools her on the difficulty of dealing with career criminals and questions her ride-or-die sensibilities. Keisha has faith she would remain loyal and so does Tommy…until Keisha actually gets served. Keisha is distraught and cannot fathom how this is happening so quickly. She even questions why Tommy came back to her life in the first place. Tommy suggests speaking with Tasha and following her lead so everyone gets out unscathed. Keisha speak with Tasha and she’s on the fence with stepping up and lying for her due to their strained friendship. What would Keisha decide?

Power Season 5, Episode 8 "A Friend of The Family

Source: Power / Starz


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