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Kendrick Lamar asked to see more stretchmarks on women’s backsides and now he’s being called misogynistic for it.

Thursday evening Kendrick Lamar grabbed everyone’s attention with his visually stimulating video for his new song “Humble.”

While internet sleuths immediately went digging for possible Big Sean or Drake disses [we heard none], others brought something else to the conversation.

Ever since he released his second album To Pimp A Butterfly, hardcore feminists have been trying to label Kendrick misogynistic because he did not include any women on the cover. Some of those same voices have returned with pitchforks and fire claiming that lines on “Humble” are further proof that Kendrick doesn’t love the ladies.

The lines in question are:

I’m so fuckin’ sick and tired of the Photoshop
Show me somethin’ natural like afro on Richard Pryor
Show me somethin’ natural like ass with some stretchmarks

As Kendrick says this in the video, we see an image of filtered and made-up “model” walk out frame and reappear with no make-up on and natural hair. We also see an ass with stretchmarks, unlike what has been promoted as the norm in music videos and Instagram. While one would assume that Kendrick was tipping hat to “natural” women and simply expressing his personal interest, others did not see it that way.

Instead, they are electing to think that Kendrick is attempting to police women on what should be considered beautiful. In case you aren’t clear on what “misogyny” means, most if not all dictionaries define it as “hatred of women.” So, yes, people think Kendrick hates women.

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