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Sabrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, offered a bold declaration at a Hillary Clinton rally in North Carolina this past weekend.

Fulton has been stumping for Hillary Clinton during her 2016 Presidential campaign. First, she and the mothers of Dontre Hamilton, Eric Garner, Jordan Davis and Sandra Bland appeared together at the Democratic National Convention as “Mothers Of the Movement.” Then again in a moving campaign ad stressing that Clinton was the best candidate when it comes to fighting for justice reform and taking steps towards curing the virus that is police brutality.

Now, Fulton has come out and declared that voting is a life or death matter.

She says:

“I came all the way from Miami, Florida, with these beautiful mothers here, to tell you guys how important it is to get out and vote. You guys have early election here, there is no excuse. No excuse for you not to vote and for you not to take a family member or a friend. It’s important. Your life depends on it. Trust me, your life depends on it.”

After some months of uncertainty in the Black community, Clinton has been scoring some major cultural endorsements. Pusha T, Chance The Rapper and LeBron James are some of the high profile people who have thrown their support behind Clinton in an election that has also become known as the war against Trump. Even Kim Kardashian and the cast of Empire have endorsed her, if that counts in your world.

Fulton’s sentiments resemble that of Diddy’s 2004 “Vote Or Die” campaign when he urged young and first time voters to hit the polls, without really telling them who or what to vote for. After the election ended with George W. Bush being reelected, interest in voting waned until President Barack Obama ran four years later. Nowadays though, even Diddy himself isn’t convinced that voting is a life or death decision. He’s actually telling people, Blacks specifically to “hold their votes” this year.

It should be noted that while Fulton made the statements at a Clinton rally, she never explicitly said “vote for Clinton or die.” Her statements can also be interpreted as get out and vote locally to prevent lawmakers from passing legislation like the “Stand Your Ground” law that resulted in her son’s killer George Zimmerman walking free.

Check out the video for yourself below. Do you agree with Fulton?

Photo: Screenshot

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