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Excitement is in the air for Marvel fans with the debut of Netflix’s latest series, Luke Cage, which can be viewed in its entirety on the network now. Along with lead actor Mike Colter, actress Simone Missick is also poised to breakout via her important role on the superhero show.

Simone Missick plays police officer Misty Knight, a familiar name to Marvel fans as the private detective with the bionic arm and as a love interest of martial arts mystery man, Iron Fist. In Luke Cage, Knight appears in the show well ahead of her arm being replaced by Iron Man/Tony Stark and is seen in her early days as a New York City detective. The early word on Missick’s performance is that she nearly steals every scene she’s in and brings a different dimension to the character than in previous incarnations.

Check out the following pages for information and images featuring the lovely Simone Missick.

Photo: Instagram

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