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It looks like Derrick Rose and his legal team are sticking to the “but she’s a thot” defense in his alleged rape case. They are using her body count, that includes Nick Young aka Swaggy P himself, as their latest pawn.TMZ reports:

Derrick Rose is dragging Nick Young into his alleged rape case — using his fellow NBA star in an attempt to discredit the accuser.

Rose’s Jane Doe accuser claims she was traumatized by the alleged gang rape because she’s “prudish” and sexually inexperienced. Rose’s team says that’s a big fat lie … and they have a text referring to fellow NBA guard Nick Young to prove it.

According to docs obtained by TMZ Sports, the text was sent from Jane Doe to her roommate in November 2014. It says, “since u goin to nicks can u please tell him to give u my bra lol.”

Rose says the roommate confirmed … Jane Doe was referring to Nick Young in the text (and yes, Nick was dating Iggy at the time).

The docs also claim Jane Doe interacted with lots of celebs and had sexual relationships with at least 2 NBA players other than Rose … bringing a major question about her credibility into play.

We reached out to Nick Young … he has no comment.

As we see with many rape cases, the alleged victim’s sexual past wind up being more scrutinized than the alleged raper. Is Rose‘s sexual past being called into question? Are the body counts of his co-defendants on trial as well?

Because she has had sex with two other NBA players, that now means that she can’t be a legitimate rape victim? No wonder so many women don’t report rape. Imagine going through such a traumatic experience, getting the courage to speak out, but then having your entire sexual history put on trial to determine if you are “credible.”

In Rose’s defense, no one deserves to be accused of a rape they did not commit, if that is truly the case. However, until we see more lawyers use facts as defense instead of painting the victims as sluts, we will continue to see men of power and influence use those same qualities to get whatever they want at any cost. Worst, rape victims will continue to not speak up.

Photo: Instagram

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