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Up until November 10, 2007, nationally renown cosmetic surgeon Jan Adams was on top of the world. He had a thriving practice and an active celebrity roster but on that aforementioned day, his entire life crumbled when the last patient he worked on–Dr. Donda West, better known as Kanye West’s mother, died hours after he performed several procedures on her including a tummy tuck, breast augmentation and liposuction.

“Donda West survived the surgery very well; she was at home,” Adams recalled to Inside Edition.

According to The Los Angeles County Coroner, West died of “coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors due to or as a consequence of liposuction and mammoplasty.” Adams’ career as doctor was also finished.

But Adams is adamant that no complications arose during and after the late West was in his care. The 61-year-old doctor claims it was afterwards when her family (namely Kanye’s cousin Steven Scoggins, a nurse with a Ph.D in public health) feed her 20 Vicodin pills.

“[Her nurse] wasn’t there. Her nurse was gone at a baby shower rather than take care of his aunt,” Adams sneered. “This lady shouldn’t be dead. All you had to do is sit her up and every nurse on the planet knows that.”

Dr. Adams claims Donda West was left flat on her back when she went into cardiac arrest and choked to death. It also worth noting that Adams was never blamed in the autopsy report. Scoggins, naturally, has denied all the allegations.

“Kanye West can end this by telling the truth,” Adams says.

Wouldn’t those Vicodin pills show up on the autopsy, though?

Photo: Inside Edition

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