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When Snoop Dogg premiered his “Father Hood” reality TV show, viewers were introduced to his young daughter Cori affectionately nicknamed Chocolate.

Unbeknownst to many however the young girl was suffering from a debilitating disease that Snoop says played a part in helping his failing marriage.

According to the West Coast icon, Cori’s battle with Lupus convinced him and his wife Shante to stay together.

Speaking on the delicate situation, Snoop tells People magazine that although he filed for divorce from his wife in 2004 citing irreconcilable differences, his daughter’s ailment played a role in them moving on to renew their vows in 2008.

“That’s what it boiled down to. Cori’s lupus showed us we need to be together forever.”

His wife Shante adds,

“Without (Snoop), I don’t know what I’d have done. It’s amazing how this all turned out. We were gonna get a divorce. But we wouldn’t have gotten through it (the lupus diagnosis) that way.”

Snoop also tells People that his daughter’s condition has improved greatly despite the side effects of the disease that caused her hair to fall out and affected her weight.

According to Snoop Cori, now 11, is winning the battle against it.

“My daughter is the love of my life. When she’d lay in bed saying, ‘My brain hurts’, it bothered me so much. I felt helpless… (But) she’s the toughest little thing I’ve ever met, even with the needles…She’s on the honor roll, playing volleyball and softball, living life. She has all this joy. In the beginning lupus was winning. But now Cori is.”

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