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Although a recent federal raid on Subway Jared Fogle’s house came up empty, a new revelation of his text messages reveal that he may be every bit of the cradle robber they assumed him to be.

According to an affidavit obtained by Business Insider, the FBI subpoenaed between Fogle and a former female Subway franchisee who he was assumed to be dating at the time. The then 29-year-old Fogle is said to have attempted to arrange a meeting with the woman’s 16-year-old cousin.

On June 19, the woman’s lawyer says Fogle restated his inquiry once again in June to which she responded, “Is this the same website you found that 16-year-old girl you that you f*****? …I still can’t believe you only paid $100 for her.”

Fogle responded with “It was amazing!!!!” She then asked “What part of her ad made you think she was selling sex?” to which he replied, “U will have to read them to see.”

In a April 2008 text message, Fogle asked the woman, “How young would you like?… Would you want to have an adventure like that?” in reference to her pimping’ her pocket on Craigslist for $500 a pop.

“When can we find a time for me to talk to your cousin?” Fogle asked in a message dated May 1, 2008.

“Any more news with your cousin?” he inquired the following day. “Tell me what u think about when u think of the three of us all together???”

Following the initial raid report, an unnamed woman in Florida told WWSB that Fogle like trolling Sarasota County school parking lots and told her numerous times that “Middle school girls are hot.”

Business Insider also revealed that Fogle’s attorney, Ron Elberger, has been a quick and reliable source of commentary in the past but with these new allegations, he’s gone completely mum.

To make matters even more complicated, the age of consent in Indianapolis is reportedly 16-years-old.

Photo: ABC News

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