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Bill Cosby is officially the worst The full deposition where the comedian and “alleged” sexual predator admitted to a “calculated pursuit” of women has been revealed, and it’s all bad. 

The Associated Press initially revealed some details of the 2005 deposition that included Cosby saying that he obtained Quaaludes for the purposes of drugging and having sex with women.

Now the full deposition has been obtained and in it Cosby was candid about his ill intentions.

Reports the New York Times:

In the deposition, which Mr. Cosby has for years managed to keep private but was obtained by The New York Times, the entertainer comes across as alternately annoyed, mocking, occasionally charming and sometimes boastful, often blithely describing sexual encounters in graphic detail.

He talked of the 19-year-old aspiring model who sent him her poem and ended up on his sofa, where, Mr. Cosby said, she pleasured him with lotion.

He spoke with casual disregard about ending a relationship with another model so he could pursue other women. “Moving on,” was his phrase.

He suggested he was skilled in picking up the nonverbal cues that signal a woman’s consent.

“I think I’m a pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things, whatever you want to call them,” he said.

Nonverbal cues? No means no, Bill.

The plaintiff in the case was Andrea Constand, a young woman who was a Temple University basketball manager. The case was settled in 2006 but while the memo with excerpts was sealed, the deposition was not.

Cosby’s pursuit of Constand started when he became her “mentor” but soon soured, at least for her.

Ms. Constand ultimately went to the police to complain of Mr. Cosby’s behavior, but in his telling, his seduction was one of persistence and patience.

Early on in his courtship, he arranged an intimate meal alone with her at his Pennsylvania home, complete with Cognac, dimmed lights and a fire, he said. At one point he led her to his back porch, out of sight from his chef. “I take her hair and I pull it back and I have her face like this,” he said. “And I’m talking to her …And I talked to her about relaxing, being strong. And I said to her, come in, meaning her body.”

But the two remained inches apart, he said, and he did not try to kiss her because he did not sense she wanted him to. Nevertheless, at the next dinner he said they had what he described as a “sexual moment,” short of intercourse. He described her afterward as having “a glow.”

To this day, Bill Cosby has not been charged with a crime.

Read more disturbing details about Cosby’s exploits over at the New York Times.

Photo ABC News

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