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The surgeon who operated on Dr. Donda West is adamant that he did not cause her death. Dr. Jan Adams is pointing the finger at a West family cousin and poor post-surgery care is what actually led to her untimely demise. 

Reports the New York Daily News:

“It baffles me when nobody wants to know the truth,” Adams said in an emotional tell-all interview. “I think (Kanye) should stand up and tell the truth, and the truth will set you free.

“I think the truth needs to be out there. If he had any b—s or if he was any kind of man he could (speak up). But the real answer is he probably won’t.”

Adams claims he was scapegoated after Donda’s death, and points to mistakes he claims made by West’s cousin Stephan Scoggins following Donda’s lengthy liposuction, tummy-tuck and breast-reduction surgery.

Ed Winter, Los Angeles County Coroner’s Assistant Chief of Investigations, said his office received a terse letter from the state nursing board announcing its probe of Scroggins was dropped.

While pleading his case, Adams pointed out that the late Dr. West was home for a day and in the allegedly suspect care of Scoggins. He claims Dr. West was left alone and was on her back when she choked on her own vomit.

“She aspirated the food contents into her lungs and that’s that,” said Adams. “And four minutes later you’re dead. Jimi Hendrix, that’s how he died. It ain’t magical.”

She was pronounced dead at Centinela Freeman hospital on Nov. 10, 2007, after a desperate 911 call from her home in Playa Del Ray, Calif.

The coroner’s report, while unable to determine the exact “manner of death,” found both vomiting and “medication use for pain” as contributing factors. Adams was not faulted by the coroner.

Scoggins vehemently denies Adams’ allegations. Also, other doctors claims Adams should never have operated on West because of her history of high blood pressure and other health issues.

No matter who is to blame, it’s still a shame that Dr. Donda West passed away way too soon.


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