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Ray Lewis’ passionate two-minute video urging for peace in Baltimore is falling on deaf ears because he’s being dragged on Twitter. The 39-year-old former NFL player posted the video on his Facebook page today (Aug. 28), clearly emotional over the uprisings that have spawned violence across the city.

“We know there’s a deeper issue, we know what the jungle looks like, but this isn’t it!” he yells, before going deeper into parental mode. “Baltimore get off the streets! Kids, go home! Stay home!”

The ex-Baltimore Raven’s star spent his entire career playing in the city. In 2000, Lewis was charged with two counts of murder following a fight between his friends and another group. Two of the men were stabbed to death in the fight. One victim’s blood was reportedly found in Lewis’ limousine.

He later reached a plea deal with authorities copping to obstruction of justice for lying to cops about the case. His friends were acquitted of the murders as well. Both remain unsolved.

No matter the message, social media says his criminal past bars him any opinion in the Baltimore riots.

Check out the tweets below.

Photo: YouTube

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