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Cle “Bone” Sloan, the man who Suge Knight ran over with his car and survived, refuses to snitch against the Death Row Records founder. Yep, Sloan said this in court while testifying. 

Reports TMZ:

The man who got run over by Suge Knight, and survived, tearfully testified in court that he would not “snitch” and help prosecutors put Suge in prison.

Cle “Bone” Sloan was called to the stand during Suge’s preliminary hearing Monday AM, and the prosecutor raised the topic of snitching.

Sloan got emotional and declared he “doesn’t want to be used to send this man to prison.” He added, “I screwed up and Terry’s dead.”

It’s amazing … the guy who was laid up for weeks with two fractured ankles, two torn ligaments in his knees and a shoulder injury from Suge plowing over him — took the stand and tried to take the blame for Terry Carter’s death … seemingly taking some heat off Suge.

The question is, does Bone realize that by saying he refuses to snitch and send a man to jail that he pretty much confirmed that the man should be sent to jail? Just saying.

Photo: AP Photo/Robyn Beck

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