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The son of a government official was among the gunmen in the massacre at college in Kenya last week. Officials said Sunday (April 5) that Abdirahim Mohammed Abdullahi has been identified as one of the masked killers responsible for taking nearly 150 lives during a heinous attack at Garissa University College.

Authorities killed Abdullah, along with three other militants. His father  is an official in Mandera County, bordering Somalia. He reported Abdullah missing last year, suspecting that he may have fled to Somalia

Al Shabab claimed responsibility for the massive slaughtering out of retaliation for “countless number of atrocities against the Muslim population in East Africa,” the extremist group said in an official statement over the weekend.

“Tens of thousands of Muslims were displaced from their homes, hundreds more were killed and thousands injured as a direct result of the Kenyan invasion,” the statement reads in part. “Kenyan jets shelled refugee camps and hospitals killing dozens. They strafed entire villages from the air, killed livestock and bombarded Madrassas and educational institutions, crushing, with such malice, the dreams and hopes of an entire generation.”

Later in the statement, Al-Shabab details the university attack . “At around 3am the Mujahideen stormed the university compound and swiftly proceeded to the halls of residence where they had gathered all the occupants. And since the attack targeted only non-Muslims, all Muslims were allowed to safely evacuate the premises before executing the disbelievers. The Muslim blood is inviolable whereas the blood of a Kafir [disbeliever] has no protection except by Eeman [belief] or Aman [covenant of security].”

Support for Kenya is currently being shown on social media. Click below to see some of the #IAMKENYA posts (please be warned that the first image is graphic).

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