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Bilal Johnson, also known by his rap moniker Buddha Lee Raye, has been disgruntled with the NYPD like many New Yorkers in the past few months. To express his disapproval with the police organization, he’s been spreading anti-NYPD paraphilia in the form of stickers that compared the boys in blue to the bigots in white: the KKK.

The stickers draw their inspiration from the common instructional “no” directions you may see in public places ((no smoking/no eating/no littering/no music) but Johnson’s imagery gives the diagonal line to a hooded Klansman, a swastika and the NYPD police badge.

His sticky protests may be 1000x more peaceful than the heinous actions of cop killer Ismaaiyl Brinsley, but the MTA (the most frequent target of Johnson’s stickers) still don’t approve of the visual vigilance.

“It is an act of vandalism,” a MTA spokeman tells Gothamist. “The signs will continue to be immediately removed after they are located. Unfortunately acts of vandalism require shifting personnel away from their normal duties and responsibilities which costs everyone.”

Undeterred, Johnson defended his #PleaseStop movement to DNAInfo saying, “Anyone can make the case that the police department helps the people of New York on a daily basis. But there’s that aspect of brutality that gets overlooked. That needs to stop. The sticker reads how it does: No KKK. No Nazis. Please, stop hating. Stop killing. Stop racism. I needed something that people would automatically see and take a moment to process — something people thought that they saw before but when they looked closer it’s actually something different. I wanted that shock value.”

Johnson has said the movement was sparked by the deaths of Eric Garner, Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and printed 2,000 copies of the stickers himself on December 17.

He’s obviously been active ever since. Check out some of the places he’s hit around New York City.

Photo: Instagram/HoodGuy89

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