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Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson most likely had good intentions when he made a public apology to the family of slain teen Mike Brown.

What he got in return was a new outbreak of civil unrest, with many protestors calling for his immediate resignation. Jackson thought the admission of his department’s mistakes would garner him some cool points amongst the public.

The key word being, “thought.”

Reports New York Magazine:

At 11 p.m., Jackson emerged from the station to address the demonstrators, who had hung a “Chief Jackass Resign” sign outside the building. St. Louis Public Radio reports that he apologized again, took questions, and promised changes, saying, “We’ve gotta increase training and awareness. We’ve gotta get out in the community, we’ve gotta change the court system and the ticketing system. No, I’m serious, this is what’s causing the mistrust, right?”

He then agreed to march along with the protesters, but they only got about ten yards before, as St. Louis Alderman Antonio French put it, “all hell broke loose.”

The crowd got upset when “a few Ferguson officers attempted to shove their way to their chief,” according to St. Louis Public Radio, and a skirmish broke out.

Robert Cohen, the photojournalist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and rapper Tef Poe were also on the scene.

You can see the heated timeline of events in the gallery below.

Photos: Twitter/Robert Cohen, Mervyn Marcano, Vine

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