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Iggy Azalea is no stranger to being the odd woman out in this Hip-Hop game and she’s recently earned a new adversary in Rah Digga.

When asked about her thoughts on the breakout Australian star, the O.G. rapper was brutally honest and not favorable with her opinion.

“Iggy Azalea it’s like I can’t get into her,” she told ThisIs50. “Because it’s just not real to me […] There is a white girl from Australia that spits in an Australian accent, and her name is Chelsea Jane. That I can get into. Teach me Australian Hip-Hop culture. Don’t come to America and try to convince me that you’re Gangsta Boo […] Personally, I don’t consider her Hip-Hop. I listen to her album. Everything that I hear on there is everything but that. And I feel like Hip-Hop is Hip-Hop.”

Naturally word got back to Iggy but she opted to dodge a war with her response. “Its definetly funny seeing ppl get so emotional over it all. What does it matter? music is music and many enjoy mine, no need to feel upset,” she tweeted. She later went in-depth with a fan who questioned the validity of the rumor that she doesn’t write her lyrics.

Afterwards, Digga Digga first name Rashida, got the last word in by admitting she simply answered a journalist’s question and she can take what she dishes out. Well, as long as Iggy isn’t trying to battle.

Things could get interesting from here…or not. In the meantime, peep the timeline of subliminal shots in the slideshow below.

Photos: WENN, Instagram/Rah Digga

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