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Michael Jackson’s estate is in shambles and the late pop icon already has three kids who don’t look like him.

Which makes the alleged finding of singer B. Howard to be Michael Jackson’s son all that more alarming.

The 31-year-old man is said to be the product of the great MJ and Miki Howard, an 80s singer who was managed by the Jackson family patriarch.

TMZ is reporting that Howard got his mitts on an orthodontic device worn by Michael once upon a time and the DNA evidence proves he’s a match. The final results were announced via a website on some viral Maury Povich hogwash.

Via TMZ:

His name is Brandon Howard — the son of singer Miki Howard, whom Joe Jackson represented back in the 1980s.

Sources close to Brandon tell us, Miki and MJ met in 1982 and Brandon was born soon after.

There’s a 99.9% chance a 31-year-old man is Michael Jackson’s illegitimate son … at least that’s the claim after an alleged DNA test turned up a match.

According to the test results — obtained by Alki David and his company, — Brandon Howard is almost certainly Michael’s son. David told TMZ Live he got MJ’s dental impression from a Beverly Hills doctor that he got at an auction. The impression is 30 years old but David says its filled with DNA.

Brandon — who now goes by B Howard and looks and acts very much like Michael — was not present for the unveiling, but David says he had Howard’s DNA and it matched up.

Estate lawyer Howard Weitzman tells TMZ, “We’ve never even heard from him,” adding, “Any deadline for claiming to be Michael’s child has long since passed.”

Meanwhile, Howard released a video statement distancing himself from the hijinks of TMZ and with a possible slip-up saying, “I’ve never self-proclaimed to be Michael Jackson’s son; I’m definitely not suing the estate–I’ve been taken care of very well.”

A photo via his Instagram shows him hanging out with Latoya Jackson, so maybe he was the only kept secret in the Jackson family?

There is plenty of struggle included in the gallery including classic MJ poses and Howard’s most recent music video. Who knew MJ’s plastic surgery and voice hormonal injections were genetic?

Especially since he was born during the days of Thriller.

Photo: Instagram/B. Howard Official

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