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Hip-Hop Wired Supporters:

We’d like to thank you for being loyal readers and following the site as today marks our 8th month anniversary.

Still a baby on the web forefront, we thank you for making us one of the fastest growing urban entertainment portals out here on the net.

Making it a mission to provide up-to-the minute Hip-Hop news and interviews with some of the game’s elite MCs and showcasing hot new music, our goal is to always keep you interested and coming back.

We take pride in what we do and our mission also to “EDUTAIN” our readers.  Whether it’s covering the triumphs of President Obama or continuing to put the spotlight on police brutality since main stream media acts as if it’s a thing of the past, Hip-Hop Wired is determined to be your voice and tell all the facets of our story.

In addition, we make it a point not to hide our dirty laundry and address our serious issues like Black-on-Black crime and the rise of teen violence which included last year’s tragic death of Derrion Albert.  Since some artists are a part of the problem, we don’t hesitate to get them to weigh in too and take them to task when it’s needed.

Trying to stop the violence, we even chopped it up with David Banner and Twista who had some candid words and views as we search for a solution.

Aside from the music, this month we held in depth talks with Dr. Boyce Watkins as we discussed with him his views on South Carolina Lt. Governor Andre Bauer comparing the poor and Black people to stray animals.  (Yeah he had the balls to go there.)

Not resting there, Hip-Hop Wired also tackled the tragic earthquake in Haiti as well as the racial slanders that followed.  From Rush Limbaugh wanting to stop aid to our brothers and sisters in need or Pat Robertson blaming the catastrophe on Haiti’s pact with the devil, we checked them and we checked them good.

We even took a closer look at the so called “Pact With Devil” as we explored France and The United States’ role in the crippling of Haiti’s economy since they took their independence in 1804.

A “crime” the white slave owners have refused to get over as they continue to penalize them for organizing the first successful slave revolt in the Americas.

As I stated earlier, our mission is to “EDUTAIN” and the journey with you, our family, is just beginning.

We’ve got a few new surprises in store next month as we take a look inside the belly of the beast.  Does it really rehabilitate or is it just a modern day slave plantation for some.

Also be on the lookout for the upcoming Hip-Hop Wired video channel.

We’re just getting started so thanks again for the love and support as we continue to grow with you and take Hip-Hop forward.

Michael “Ice-Blue” Harris

Hip-Hop Wired Operations Manager

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