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Martin “Marty” Walsh was sworn in today as the mayor of Boston, becoming the first to do so in 20 years. After longtime incumbent Thomas Menino announced early last year he would not be seeking a record sixth term, that paved the way for Walsh to ascend to the office.

Walsh, a 46-year-old Democrat, took the oath at a ceremony Monday (December 6) at Boston College, ushering in a new era of politics for Beantown. In a spirited inauguration speech that featured the famed Boston Pops and other local celebrities, Walsh carefully laid out his plans for leadership. Walsh also spoke tough on eliminating crime and violence in the city, looking to galvanize the entire city across all demographics.

From Walsh’s speech:

Since Election Day, and during our transition, we have invited, welcomed, and applauded thousands of people as they have stepped up and spoken out. And we listened.

More than one thousand people came out on a snowy day to share their ideas at our town hall meeting at Roxbury Community College. More than one thousand people. And we listened.

At our town halls and community meetings; through letters, email and phone calls, you are making your voices heard. I am listening – and I always will.

I will listen. I will learn. I will lead.

Menino, 71 and also Democrat, reportedly didn’t attend Walsh’s ceremonies, opting instead to visit his office one last time yesterday to leave a note for the new mayor. Menino was reportedly heading to Florida as Walsh’s reign began.

To watch Martin “Marty” Walsh and his swearing in, hit the jump.

Photo: Boston Globe

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